東工大緑が丘地区(旧土木・建築学科棟)の点群データ(2024)Point-clouds-based digital archive of Midorigaoka area at Former Tokyo Tech.


I would like to share the point clouds of Midorigaoka area at Tokyo Tech. The architecture and building engineering department in Tokyo Tech is moving from Midorigaoka to Ookayama because of the campus planning. The well-known Midorigaoka 1st building has been demolished. Therefore, we have started 3D scanning of Midorigaoka area for the memorial.


左クリックしながらスクロール → 回転

右クリックしながらスクロール → 並行移動

ホイールの上下 → 拡大・縮小

左ダブルクリック → フォーカス

点群はこちらから閲覧できます Browse here.

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